Convert Percent to Fraction with ease.
What is Percent to Fraction Calculator? This calculator is for quick conversion of percentage to fractions by simply input the percent number.
It also equipped with fraction view complete with pie chart so you can visualize know the portion of the percentage.
Step-by-step guide to convert a fraction to a percentage
1 Input percent number.
2 Click Convert button.
3 Get the result, fraction number & pie chart.
Percent to Fraction Table
Percent (%) | Fraction |
1% | 1/100 |
10% | 1/10 |
11.11% | 1/9 |
12.5% | 1/8 |
14.29% | 1/7 |
16.67% | 1/6 |
20% | 1/5 |
22.22% | 2/9 |
25% | 1/4 |
28.57% | 2/7 |
30% | 3/10 |
33.33% | 1/3 |
37.5% | 3/8 |
40% | 2/5 |
42.86% | 3/7 |
44.44% | 4/9 |
50% | 1/2 |
55.56% | 5/9 |
57.14% | 4/7 |
62.5% | 5/8 |
66.67% | 2/3 |
60% | 3/5 |
70% | 7/10 |
71.43 | 5/7 |
75% | 3/4 |
77.78% | 7/9 |
80% | 4/5 |
83.33 | 5/6 |
85.71 | 6/7 |
87.5% | 7/8 |
88.89% | 8/9 |
90% | 9/10 |